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Basic Client - Classic

Date Updated: 5/17/2023
Current Version: 3.0.1
Size: 37.1 mb
MD5: ae82597d492ee8120ed2782b6da498d8

Download Classic Client

World of Kung Fu Classic System Requirements
Minimum Requirements
Recommended Requirements
Other OS Windows® 8 / Windows® 10 are supported but may experience longer loading times.
OS Windows XP
Windows 7
CPU Intel Pentium 3.1 Ghz or equivalent
Intel Pentium 4 2.5 Ghz or better
256 MB or more
1024 MB or more
HDD 4 GB or more
GPU GeForce Mx440 or equivalent
ATI Radeon 7500 or equivalent
NVIDIA GeForce 6600GT or better
Radeon 9800XT or better
Sound DirectX 9.0c Compatible Sound Card
Resolution 1024 x 768 minimum display resolution

Technical Support

User Interface: If upon login your game interface doesn't load press CTRL + F11 to enable the user enterface. To prevent this from happening each time you login go into the client folder, right click on the program ClassicClient.exe and click on Properties. Click on the Compatibility Tab and click the check mark to Enable Compatability and select Windows 7. Click the option in the settings section and select Run this program as an administrator. Click Apply. Make sure no clients are running before applying these settings.